
Comprehensive services to see a mine from concept to completion

Geology & Mineral Resource Estimation

From initial resource estimation through the feasibility study stage and into production, we can help you unlock the value of your project. Our geologists have extensive experience in operations, database management, and resource estimation and can help you plan effective drill programs, generate realistic geologic models, and prepare industry compliant mineral resource estimates under most reporting jurisdictions.

Mine Design


We have significant experience in open pit design, whether a small open pit using construction sized equipment for a high grade gold mine in South Africa. The heat of a desert or the cold of Nunavut with permafrost conditions are all considered in the practical designs developed. Designs are created to enhance project economics while considering the environments in which they exist.

Pit design makes use of specialized software incorporating the Lerch-Grossman pit shell routine. From these designs, accurate cost estimation follows; both operating and capital. These designs are then compared to ensure the most economic design is advanced forward in any project.

We delight in working with client teams to arrive at the best functional design for a specific project, irrespective of commodity.

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